Friday, March 9, 2012

The Queen BeatriX Crypto Collectie

What's That?
Heilige Lizard logs!

"Phew! Dat vas a close 
Royal Crypto Call™”

"No vorries! Ve gotten der 
Genetic Crypto™ Ting Happening!”
 Queen and Son Elvian Wife and Son
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau,
Countess of Orange-Nassau
 Prince Johan Friso of Orange-Nassau 
(son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands)]


 ...and Sometimes  
Crypto Avalanche Tragedy 
Strikes for reasons the secretive Crypto may know but it’s kept in the family.

Dutch prince may not come out of coma - says your CryptoDoctor! 

 There’s always an illegitimate/legally unrecognized Crypto Carlos Klynstra {1997} [illegitimate/legally unrecognized son of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Duke of Parma + Piacenza (nephew of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands)] waiting in the Crypto Wings!

* "Cryptoterrestrial Fashion?'Mr Zenbuoy 'kon niet kleden een middenstuk met een tulp ... 
Ik denk dat hij een Crypto!”

HM Queen Juliana

Sapphire Parure
A Remarkable Collectie 
of Crypto Jewelry... klik erop
Swami Netherlands asks...

So, the Crypto Training© Cquestion Becomes

"What happens if you Introduce a CRYPTO named 'Kinnegin' and mispronounce it…'KinINIgin?

Professor of Philosophy of Law Kinnegin threatens Powned Rutger Catricum with "I know where to find you.”... CRYPTO ATTITUDE©

Do your Crypto Knickers™ fall down?

* “Cryptoterrestrial Fashion? 
'Mr. Zenbuoy' couldn’t dress a centerpiece with one tulip... 
I think HE is a Crypto!”
Zenbuoy Zenbuoy (yes, the ears and a wig)

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